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1.3.8 Zoom [up] [down]
1 2 3 4 5

These functions aloow you to enlarge ot shrink the selected range freely, so that you can work more efficient. To select a range to zoom, just click the starting point and move the mouse to the ending point while keeping the mouse-button pressed. While selecting, the range will be highlighted and the positions as well as the length can be seen in the statusbar. You can fine-tune the selection with the function from the range-toolbar.
button description
1zoom-mode - zoom into which direction
2enlarge, if no range is selected then enlarge by 2
41:1, means one pixel is one sample
5show all (zoom out totaly)

As these functions are used quiete often, SoundFX offers the following shortcuts :
zoom in "<" CTRL+"<"
zoom out ">" CTRL+">"

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001